Saturday, 14 August 2010

upcycled buttons

I absolutely love buttons an dhad a giant glass jar full of them for christmas off Rhodri and it was proob my fav xmas prezzie ever. I used to make jewelllery out of buttons ages ago but stopped when I started working on my tiaras. Seeing all my pretty buttons in a jar going unseen by others made me realsie I should start using them again so yesterday I made a few rings out of them and silver plated wire I had left over from my last set of tiaras. hope these rings make you smile.
It took 53 buttons to make 23 rings

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

my lil men

Fish for the kitties

Ive been busy making felt fish for Daisy and her lil men. They are growing so fast

More Indian Paintings

Here are some earings I made, I am selling them for £1 a pair.
I want to raise £2000 so that when im in better health I can go abroad to Thailand and work in an orphanage for a month or two (or 3).
But until I am well and fit enough to go back to work
it will just have to be a dream, but at least its a goal for when I do get better and working.