Hey all. I know its been over half a year since my last post. Im the worst blogger ever.
I made these little birds and scented hearts pout of left over 'fat quaters' and cushion stuffing.
This heart is 'musk' scented but I made and sold a load of others (and some bird shaped ones) in different fabrics and scents such as apple, apple blossom, rosemusk, vanila musk, coconut, baby powder, lavender, cherry, juniparberry. I donated the profits to a charity in Caerphilly called E.N.A.B.L.E
I made this blue buton ring from spare buttons and silver plated wire, these hearts are rosemusk scented and were made as a christmas prezzie for my lovely friend Sophie. Here is how I wrapped them
I love the green beads I added to the string.
Just before christmas I went to a local charity shop and bough four 'ice cream lickers' for just £2, but instead of using them for ice cream I melted down some left over candle wax and added some household string and made four new little candles. Everyone thought I was daft doing that, but now one of the ladies on 'super scrimpers' has done in, it seems that everyone now thinks its cool :)
Not last christmas, but the christmas before, I bought some old records from the charity shop and melted them into bowls
One of the girls Becky who lives in my street liked them so much that she wanted me to show her how to make some, so off we trudged through the ice cold rain into Pontypridd, to get some more records from the charity shop. I made these two
and Becky made these, which we decorated with beads from a broken necklace that we stuck on using my glue gun.

I think these look amazing, they have come out loads better than mine. :)
My Auntie Deb gave me her old cream and gold phone as she hated it and thought it was ugly. I love the old fashioned shape of it but wanted to jazz it up. So after making Sophies and the E.N.A.B.L.E hearts I had some tiny scraps of fabric left that were about the size of my thumb nail so I glued them onto the phone and I know I think it looks amazing.
I had some small box canvases that were broke, one had a small hole in where I stepped on it with a spiked heel. oops! and I cant remember what was wrong with the other one. Anhyway they were no good for doing a painting to sell so I turned them into jewellery displays. I painted the one, added some netting with the aid of my bamps staple gun, glued on some buttons and a flower and hammered in some nails
and heres the second one. Here I just glued on some small pieces of fabric and put some nails in it.