Monday, 28 May 2012

More random crafts

I found a free template on google for a elephant cushion, but I resized it to make ot alot smaller. I used toy stuffing to fill it and added some 'baby powder' scented esstentil oil

here are some more 'button rings' this time, instead of using silver plted wire, I used adjustable ring bases that I bought on ebay. I sewed the buttons together and then used a hot gue gu to secure them to the ring base

I also made some felt broaches

And today I made a lovely reversable apron for sally (my friend jessicas mother)
I think its so cute that i  am going to make one exactly the same for myself

Monday, 14 May 2012

Pretty Jewellery

Hi guys. Here are some of my latest creations that I made while my hands werent freaking out with my seizures. hope you enjoy. all the wire is gold/silver plated.

To be honest I didnt enjoy making some of these, as I made them whilst up my father inlaws whilst he was dying. I wasnt in the mood for being creative, but at that point, kelvin (my father inlaw) coudnt even lift his head off the pillow properly or communicate with us much as he was too weak to talk, but we wanted to keep things 'normal' for him so I carried on makin my bits and bobs as he watched from the hospital bed that we had in the living room for him. My mother inlaw said that he was enjoying watching me, so i carried on even though my heart was breaking , and all I wanted to do was curl up in a ball and cry.

sadly Kelvin passed away on may 1st. we were all with him. I miss him so much already.
He was a terrific husband, wonderful Dad and the most amazing father inlaw that anyone coud ever wish for.