Wednesday, 5 May 2010


Ive been busy busy busy knitting again lately.
Started off knitting toys for Suzies ferrets, then made some more for my friend Becis animals.
My friend Andys housemate has a stunning grey cat named CC so I knitted some toy mice for him, then did the same for my friend Benjis cats. My cat Daisy keeps hiding the ones that Ive made for her, and I cant find them anywhere around the house so looks like I will be busy doing more for her over the weekend.

Ive also started knitting scraves ready to hand out to homeless people in the winter, I know winter is ages away but I wnat to give myself time to do lots. I dont see any homeless people where I live, but theres always loads in Cardiff, ive out together a list of items that id like to collect over the summer so that I can give the homeless little christmas gift bags, but being so poor as im not working due to ill helath it means I cant buy as many things as id like so im going to raffle off a piec eof my artwork and use the raffle money to help me buy what I need for them.


  1. Lea, even one small scarf created for a homeless person says a lot about where you are heading in your life, Once you've established that caring attitude early in life, you will only get better at it. The more you prosper, the more you will find ways to spread the word and the humanity. It just takes longer, for some people maybe a lifetime. But you can be glad today that somewhere someone has been moved by your actions. I am so proud to be your friend from continents away !

    <3 <3

  2. THANK YOU. :)
    I have a list of 25 things that I would like to put in each bag for everyone
