Tuesday, 5 January 2010


So today I decided to jazz up a plain black headband that I bought ages ago from tesco for £2. I cut some ribbon that came from xmas prezzies and picked a large button. I sewed the black ribbon in place in the shape of a bow and added the button to the middle of it. next I took 3pieces of a different coloured ribbon and sewed those together to make 6 loops. These were then sewed onto the back of the black ribbon/bow. The whole thing was attatched to the headband via sewing through the button holes.
Sorry the pics are a bit rubbish but my camera is still playing up. will try to get better pics soon


  1. The pics are NOT rubbish ! Not with your eyes looking into the camera, and they are not perfect but they are colorful enough and I've seen worse lo-res ones, so there !

    The description and the entire blog layout and post are pretty cool for a first attempt. I'll be glad to place you on my links list as soon as you're ready.

    Cheers !

  2. im useless with computers so dont expect anything better than this for a while.lol. have no idea how to change layout of page etc but im sure il learn one day. because im hardly ever on flickr much I thought id jhust keep things simple with a little blog on here. im so glad your my first follower. think il upload a few more pics now whilst im watching kyun ho gaya na

  3. I believe you are talented enough to turn this into whatever your vision is for it. Looking at your Twitter Home Page background and all your artwork convinces me that you do have the creative urge gnawing away at you. I'll be with you every step of the way to give you my 2 cents' worth, which is what I'm good at doing as you may have noticed by now.....always looking for someone talented to break through.
